The Best Hikes and Drives for Fall Foliage Near Lake City

Sunrise looking towards the peaks of Uncompaghre, Matterhorn, and Wetterhorn.

The Best Hikes and Drives for Fall Foliage Near Lake City

Autumn in Lake City shimmers and shines, with changing aspen leaves painting the mountainsides gold. The high peaks see their first dusting of snow, the air grows crisp, and wildlife eases closer to town as the busy summer season winds down.

Patches of gold are visible from town, but the most spectacular views await on our favorite hikes and drives in the hills nearby. Grab a warm flannel and head out to see the fall color up close.  


The Best Time for Peak Color near Lake City

For your best chance of seeing peak autumn colors, plan a visit to Lake City around the third week of September; however, in recent years peak has lasted into October. As local author Pam Houston put it best, “If you can’t fall in love with the San Juan mountains during the third week of September, you can’t fall in love.” That’s also the time to be in town for the Lake City Uncorked Wine & Music Festival, every third Saturday of September.

The exact dates for peak aspen color vary each year, based on unpredictable factors like moisture, temperature, and sunshine. In dry years the aspens change earlier and fade faster, while in wetter years the colors can be delayed by a week or two and risk getting cut off by the first frosts.

With so many trails at varying elevations, you can typically find color near Lake City most of September and early October, with “peak” colors lasting about a week. The more flexible your plans, the better your chance of seeing a magnificent golden aspen grove. 

Best Hikes for Fall Foliage Near Lake City

With glittering gold above and crunchy leaves on the forest floor below, there’s nothing like walking through an aspen forest in autumn. Here are some of our favorite aspen-adjacent hiking trails.

Crystal Lake Trail starts from the upper Lake City cemetery and winds its way nine miles to a remote alpine lake. While the lake itself doesn’t have many aspens, the first few miles of this hike pass through several magical groves. 

Waterdog Lake Trail This 9.5 mils trail also starts in town, winding its way steeply but steadily through aspen forests before reaching a lovely little lake and picturesque abandoned cabin.

Camp Trail is one of the best autumn hikes on the Continental Divide. The first of eight miles starts in an aspen forest, with nearly guaranteed color in September. A stunning view awaits at the end as you summit an unnamed 12 thousand foot mountain.

Devil’s Creek Trail covers 6.8 miles of forested terrain to remote Devil’s Lake, a favorite spot for elk, moose, and other wildlife. With an elevation gain of 3,500 feet, this moderate trail takes most hikers at least half a day to complete — or longer, if you stop often to photograph the gorgeous leaves. 

Independence Gulch Trail is a short but steep 5-mile round trip hike that starts on Highway 149 and ends in a beautiful aspen forest, with 1,700 feet of elevation gain and plenty of solitude.

Best Fall Foliage Drives Near Lake City 

With 96% public land and fewer roads per square mile than any county in the United States outside Alaska, Hinsdale County is the perfect place to get away from it all. Here are some of our favorite roads for more aspens than crowds.  

Sunrise looking towards the peaks of Uncompaghre, Matterhorn, and Wetterhorn.

Slumgullion Pass and the Silver Thread Scenic Byway
This steep, paved mountain pass between Lake City and Creede is packed with fall color. From Lake City, drive 10 miles up for panoramic views from Windy Point Overlook and Lake San Cristobal Overlook, some of the best places to see Lake City’s iconic peaks.

Unlike popular leaf-peeping locations closer to Denver, you’ll have the Silver Thread Scenic Byway and its aspens, waterfalls, and wildlife mostly to yourself. 

Engineer Pass to Capital City (County Road 20)
This rugged road is passable by 2WD cars from Lake City to the ghost town of Capitol City, where only the post office remains surrounded by staggering aspen forests.

If you have a 4WD, high-clearance vehicle, you can continue up County Road 20 or take a detour to connect with Nellie Creek Road and hike to the aspen-framed Nellie Creek Falls, one of the best autumn waterfalls in the state. 

Alpine Loop Scenic Byway (4WD, high-clearance vehicles only)
This rough route is above treeline, which means no iconic Colorado aspens, but the oranges of the alpine tundra are beautiful in their own right. Learn more about braving the rugged Alpine Loop.

Forest Service Road 520/Rio Grande Reservoir
This seldom-traveled road leads to one of Hinsdale County’s hidden gems, the Upper Rio Grande. The mighty Rio Grande River carves through this vast valley, with huge swaths of aspens streaking the hillsides. 

The first snow of the season at Lake San Cristobal

What to Expect During Autumn in Lake City 

Some restaurants start to close for the season at the end of September. Check out the Chamber’s Restaurant List to help you plan your trip!

Fall in Lake City can bring hot days, frigid nights, and snowstorms — sometimes even on the same day!

Check the forecast before leaving town for any hike or drive, and pack warm, waterproof layers in case winter arrives early. Assume that any help will be hours or days away, and always bring these 10 essentials: 

  1. Navigation: a map, compass, or GPS device, with at least one backup 
  2. Light: A headlamp or flashlight with spare batteries
  3. Sun protection: sunglasses, sun protective clothing, and sunscreen
  4. First aid: a first aid kit with a whistle, bandages, and emergency medicines, stored in a waterproof bag 
  5. Repair kit: A knife, multi-tool, and duct tape 
  6. Fire: Either an emergency lighter or matches or a portable stove
  7. Shelter: An emergency bivy, space blanket, or tarp 
  8. Extra food: pack at least one day’s food, even for a short hike, that won’t require cooking
  9. Extra water: enough drinking water for after the hike, plus the a way to purify water if needed
  10. Extra clothes: Rain jacket, insulated jacket, hat, and gloves 

While this list might seem like overkill for a short leaf-peeping excursion, it could really save the day.

These are just a few of the awe-inspiring autumn hikes and drives in Hinsdale County, where natural beauty waits around every corner. If you’re on the hunt for beautiful Fall-orado foliage, Lake City is the place to be.

But the fun doesn’t end in autumn! When the last leaves fall and the snow starts to fly, Lake City becomes a winter wonderland. Check out the 17 Fun Things to Do in Lake City in Winter.

This blog was made possible through a grant from Visit Colorado.